(written 9/11/14)
(obviously I still haven't managed to juggle computer work with studio work)
It hasn't quite sunk in yet, but this marks my first week of freedom. The past few months have been a stressful whirlwind of production, design, and travel, all wedged in between my responsibilities at work. It seemed like every time I landed somewhere, it was already time to move on to the next thing.
But here it is! At last! To become a full time artist is one of the biggest blessings to come my way in quite a while. I could never have done it without the immense emotional backing my family and partner have provided me...For years I've juggled new projects with work schedules and vice versa. Any creative individual can attest to the battle of finding time to create.
"Artistic freedom" is hard, because all artists are enslaved by their art. The mental barrage of self deprecation, problem solving, designing, reinventing… all of these become magnified tenfold when you work in a home studio all day long.
This week, I'm talking myself off of the proverbial ledge, reminding myself that I WILL find my groove, that it's only the first week, that I made the right decision, that the bills WILL get paid.
Only time will tell. For now, I look forward to hard work. Lots of it. But it's what I want, what I've signed on for, and I'm looking forward to creating lots and lots of new treasures.