I know it seems as though I have abandoned this, or have been too busy to create, but on the contrary, I have simply been creating too much to find the time to successfully document my work.
I've had my hands in so many projects lately, but I will try to cover a little of everything. Pleasantly surprised by my handiness, I took on the porch, its screens blown out by hurricane sandy, the floor filthy and the paint cracked. Somehow I managed to repair the screens without needing to replace any, and repainted the porch floor a lovely palm green. Wish there was a before/after.
I also finally took my baby stag horn fern and planted it vertically on a weathered wooden box I found at the flea market.
The wood was taken from a snow fence in Wyoming. Looks awesome. Every time I see it I'm inspired to make more vertical planters. Went on a moss foraging excursion at the park the other day in hopes of doing just that. The dogs were very patient.
While looking for garden plants, I came across a gem at the greenhouse across the street…a fiddle leaf fig tree which I have wanted for quite a while. It will live happily on the porch until winter with our new turtle Elvis.
Speaking of new animals…it's hard to believe that I haven't found time to put up a few pictures of our new family member, Austin. We finally went to NGAP and navigated the harrowing adoption process in order to bring home this 65 lb peanut. It wasn't easy bringing a greyhound that had just come from life on the racetrack 2 months previous into our home, with all of the hardwood floors and scary noises. She didn't even know how to climb stairs, let alone walk on a leash or let us know when she needed to go to the bathroom. There were more than a few moments where i questioned my judgement on bringing another dog (three times the size of tucker) into our lives. Fast forward 2 months.
She has undergone the most amazing transformation, and become the dog I had hoped for when we went to the shelter. Polite, gawky, lovable, with the cheesiest overbite you've ever seen. It's hard to believe what training can do.
The biggest project I have worked on over the past month or so has been the Motto Films blog, which I started compiling on our trip to Waterbury Vermont to film a mini documentary on the brewery The Alchemist. More web design was the last thing I had planned for myself, but after spending a week photo documenting and writing about our incredible experience, the next step was to put it out into the world. So glad I stuck with it because the brewery themselves promoted the new motto films blog. Huge affirmation. What an amazing, visually stimulating journey we had.
So what else….we came home to our co op share, which is new for us. Turns out we have to find new ways to use vegetables we would never buy at the store. I'm so glad to be pushed out of the norm by our organic farms and to be handed things I wouldn't usually buy.
Daily inspiration. Breakfast. The discovery of the deliciousness of an avocado.