I have gotten a good amount of work done this week, it feels nice to log some serious hours sewing and creating. (And, of course, time with the pup)
I have started working with some more abstract, shape driven pieces which has led me to think about my color choices and how I make the technical decisions I do. Each individual choice can change the path of a design, one color mistake can take the tone of a work from good to bad very quickly. There has been more than one occasion where the color I thought would work so well has ended up getting pulled out, one stitch at a time.
So what is it that I am so drawn to in these abstract pieces? As the years progress, I am learning more and more about the way my artistic mind works. Dispensing with more intricate designs and drawings allows me to develop a deeper relationship with the actual craft, the stitching and the colors. It allows the viewer to really pay attention to the intricacy of the handwork instead of focusing on a design or pattern.
Personally, I love it. In a way, it is a larger challenge to create a visually pleasing canvas out of a few abstract shapes and a few thousand stitches of yarn than it is to embroider a botanical pattern or filigree design.
(First finished geometric piece)
Here's a little daily inspiration.